Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oklahoma Hills

"Many a month has come and gone
Since I wandered from my home
In those Oklahoma hills where I was born.
Many a page of life has turned,
Many a lesson I have learned,
While I feel like in those hills I still belong."
- Hank Thompson

Okay, I was not born in Oklahoma but my mother and father I still consider it part of my roots. We just spent the weekend in Falconhead, Oklahoma for a family reunion with my maternal grandmother's relatives. Just on the other side of the Texas-Oklahoma line, this small community seems to attract retirees but also offers campsites and small hotel rooms for a quick escape. They have a golf course, swimming pool, and restaurant to make any weekend pass quickly.

It was nice to spend the day with many relatives that I have not seen in years and introduce them all to our kids. We were even invited to the Love County Commissioner's Catfish and Calf-fry fundraiser. I am sure the locals were quite surprised to see an additional 50 guests at the dinner! The best part of the weekend is that my mom and I volunteered to host next year's reunion in Texas. This should be fun planning!